My sister called this morning and said she had something for me. I had no idea what it could be and she wouldn't tell! LOL This is what she gave me! A Dresden (hand pieced)quilt top. Plus a YoYo quilt. She went to an estate sale and found these in a box marked $5.00! Thank you Sissy!!!! The YoYo quilt has approximately 1,681 yoyos.
Happy Stitching
Wow -- what an incredible buy! Lucky you. They look like they're in great shape!
What a great find...and such a thoughtful sister to think of you! Beautiful quilts!
Wow how lucky are you..great purchase...
wow what a find........
My goodness, that's a lot of yo yo's!
What a great sister!! Love the Dresden plate particularly :)
When I first saw the pics I thought you were going to tell us you made these! How lucky you are to be the custodian of such lovely works.
wow what a great sis you have there. Enjoy your treasures :)
What an awesome find!!! And how nice of your sister to think of you... 8-)
Awww... sisters are the BEST. <3
That's an amazing amount of work - 1,600 yoyo's!
Hope you get to finish the dresden plate top - I'm always sad for quilt tops at estate sales. All that work and it's *almost* done.
Oh my,what a find. They are wonderful, we would never have any luck like this in Australia,I suppose our quilting history is not old enough.
One day I come to the USA and will visit lots of Fleamarkets, Estate sales. I would love to own a 1930's double wedding ring.
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